Saturday, September 13, 2008

An outdoor party was broken up this week on Fountain Ave, the scene of the "riot" between Wesleyan students and Middletown Police last spring. I post this here as a concerned neighbor to the Wesleyan campus.

You can read the story and comments on the Wesleying blog here.

My comments to the blog post were as follows:

I'm a Middletown resident who lives relatively close to Wesleyan. We've had parties with 30+ people in the past where neighbors called in a noise complaint. Usually at least 3 officers showed up. They asked us to turn it down, and we cooperated and there were no incidents.

We all live in a city where we have to live with neighbors and deal with it, you didn't see us protesting. You're not only Wesleyan students, you're also a part of the community. We all have to live by the same rules.

Repspectfully,-one of your neighbors

(respectful responses are welcome)