Saturday, September 13, 2008

An outdoor party was broken up this week on Fountain Ave, the scene of the "riot" between Wesleyan students and Middletown Police last spring. I post this here as a concerned neighbor to the Wesleyan campus.

You can read the story and comments on the Wesleying blog here.

My comments to the blog post were as follows:

I'm a Middletown resident who lives relatively close to Wesleyan. We've had parties with 30+ people in the past where neighbors called in a noise complaint. Usually at least 3 officers showed up. They asked us to turn it down, and we cooperated and there were no incidents.

We all live in a city where we have to live with neighbors and deal with it, you didn't see us protesting. You're not only Wesleyan students, you're also a part of the community. We all have to live by the same rules.

Repspectfully,-one of your neighbors

(respectful responses are welcome)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back to Karaoke

I went to Central Cafe for the first time since they've had Dave as the new host. Dave had been a frequest visitor to Cenrtal on Tuesdays since I've been going there. It was good to get out, I havent really felt like singing much the last few months. I did some old classics, and tried Creep by Radiohead as well (it went over pretty well).

Dave joined in on background harmonies for "Losing My Religion", and that went really well, even tought I nessed up one of the verses. How can that be, I mean the words are RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME..... Anyway, it was good to get out, even though I stayed way too late and the $2 drafts had my head pounding the next day.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Quest

The Quest for a Cheeseburger

I'm on a quest. Yes, that's right, a quest. The quest for a cheeseburger. I don't know where this came from, but I was looking at restaraunt reviews (particualry for roadside stands like Harry's in Colchester and Guida's) and I came across a review for Shady Glen in Manchester. So, after reading Michael Stern's review over at Roadfood (check out the pictures there), I have been yearning for a Shady Glen Cheeseburger.
I first visited Shady Glen about 6 years ago, when several co-workers and I decided to stop in for lunch. Their cheeseburgers are memorable, I might add. What makes them so darned good, you might ask? They have a special way of letting the cheese hang off the edges of the burher until it gets crispy and then fold it up back on top of the burger. More details forthcoming when I actually visit the place.
I didn't want to take the trip to there solo, exploring is so much more fun when you have a companion. It's about a 35 mile drive from here. And also, I didn't want to visit on Memorial day, as the place is always packed! So, now I have a craving and it will have to wait..

Read the Roadfood review here.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I got a new ride!

Yesterday, I picked up my new (to me) car. I finally replaced the leaky, old 1996 Saturn SL@ that had a slew of problems and other non-mechanical related baggage to go along with it. I replaced it with a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport. The picture below isn't my car, but one like it...