What is that thing that creates attraction between 2 people?? You know the feeling...you've got butterflies whenever you think about someone. And you're thinking about them all of the time!!! I guess it's what's called "that feeling." as in "Ive got that feeling again".
Why does someone feel attraction to one person and not to someone else. They may be both equally nice, fun, attractive, or sexy. But still one person makes you all crazy and another does not. Is there some special psychic connection?? Igiess it's what people call "attraction."
This creates a conumdrum. You have to let one person know that while you still like them, you don't quite like them "that way." Hell, I've been on the recipient end of that enough. However, you want to tell this person without hurting them too badly. I've been hurt before...I know what it does to someones's heart and mind.
This is the first time in my 37 years on this planet that I've had this particular situation. 2 women who I have been dating both told me that they like me ALOT. Now, I have to tell someone how I feel. I just want to do it without hurting anyone.