Saturday, June 19, 2004

Emily and Ben threw another one of their parties last night. This time, we actually had a band playing in the garage. This wasn't just any thrown together at the last minute party band, it was an actual working band, Stanley Maxwell.

Those of you who go to shows in the Northeast may have actually hear them at one time or another, they're great! The lineup consists of Sax, Keys, Bass and Drums-- They blend jazz, rock and funk and make it a style all their own. They did this great downtempo instrumental version of Led Zep's "The Ocean" that was just sublime!!

Unfortunately they played a really short set, cause at around 10:15 the Middletown Police arrived and asked us to shut it down. I think there was only 1 party that I can remember here that the cops DIDN'T show up. But never this early!!!

This time we also had a fire in the new and improved fire pit out by the pond (thanks Ben for the improvements!) It started to rain around 12:30 or so, some people left, but many of us gathered by the fire and it was way cool! The canopy of trees, along with the warmth of the fire kept us warm and dry.

We gathered a few drums and did some chanting by the fire...Crazy, man!!! So this would be the second weekend in a row that I did campfire drumming....

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Wow! I've been so busy that I havent even turned on a computer in 2 whole days! The Starbucks job is good, and I haven't been home before 7 much lately. Most of the days, I'm out the door before 8 AM, so it's been a few long days while I've been training. But all the people that I've met so far have been great (and really happy, but that's because we're all hopped up on coffee!!!)

This weekend is the Midsummer/Litha rutual and I'm still trying to memorize my about last minute!!!! But i think I'll be ok, I've got most of them memorized....