I was watching Sunday Morning on CBS today, and they had a profile of Google. A company that started out renting a room in someone's house is now a multi-million dollar company. Now that's a success story if I ever heard one!! Did you know that the company actually serves free meals to their employees?? Wish I could land a job like that!! Or any job at this point for that matter...
While browsing around after watching the Google story, I found the blog of Evan Williams, the co-founder of Blogger (now owned by Google). I find it funny how his archive links don't work!!! I though if anyone knew how to blog, it would be this guy.
Another segment on Sunday Morning today was about the rise of "Turntabalism" (otherwise known to DJ's as "scratching") as a "new music artform". There's so much buzz about this that Berklee College of Music actually has corses devoted to it. Also in reading more about this story, I found out the vibraphonist Gary Burton (who I saw at Tanglewood years ago opening up for Miles Davis) is an Executive Vice President at Berklee. Cool stuff......
One man's persuit of happiness. Life, Love, Music, Rhythm and the occasional road trip.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
I was feeling like I was in a slump yesterday. Although all in all I had a great day. The weather was sort of nice, and Emily and I spent a while down by the pond talking about politics and life over a couple of beers. After that, thoug I had a little trouble getting motivated, and fell into a slump until I got motivated and went to see the Gatekeeper Band (less Mike and Colin) at a bar in East Hampton. Glad I went, it was a good time!!
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Thanks to Leanna, we have a new link for you today- The Daily Misleader- a daily chronicle of Bush Administration distortion.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
I actually made some money today- I actually got paid to drive from Deep River to Norwalk to deliver a package to a production house for JD from CU Next Tuesday. Hell, I got to drive and listen to the radio...not too bad. On the way down, I caught an interview on WPKN with Peter Schickele. At first I had no idea who he was, but the interview seemed interesting. I later found out that Peter is the mastermind maniac behind P.D.Q. Bach. I had heard of PDQ Bach years ago in High School. I remembered it being kinda weird and funny.
Tonight, I just kinda took it easy, and laid back because this was one of the odd Wednesdays that I didn't have Delilah overnight. I listened to some old vinyl and some radio stations online. I can finally get WPKN online since they switched to the Shoutcast stream, and I can get it with Winamp!!
And now listening to the "worlds longest legal ID" on WAMC. It's gotta go on for about 20 seconds..... Weird, they had an underwriting spot for a Mamoun's Falafel in ALBANY! Right on!
Tonight, I just kinda took it easy, and laid back because this was one of the odd Wednesdays that I didn't have Delilah overnight. I listened to some old vinyl and some radio stations online. I can finally get WPKN online since they switched to the Shoutcast stream, and I can get it with Winamp!!
And now listening to the "worlds longest legal ID" on WAMC. It's gotta go on for about 20 seconds..... Weird, they had an underwriting spot for a Mamoun's Falafel in ALBANY! Right on!
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Time for another one of those "love-to-hate-em" Quizzes!:

You are the Low-Fidelity All-Star. You were born
with your cool, and it's totally natural. You
run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).
What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the Low-Fidelity All-Star. You were born
with your cool, and it's totally natural. You
run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).
What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, March 15, 2004
The World Still says No!!!
On March 20, there will be a worldwide day of protests against our continued occupation of Iraq. Check out the United for Peace website for more information. For those of you who are planning on going to New York from this area, there's a "Peace Train" which will be leaving out of New Haven.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
I have yet to touch on anything that's been happening in the broadcast world, especially the new fines that the FCC is levying on indecency. Those of you who know me, allready know that I'm a media nut. First off, It's not about Howard Stern ok!! It's about a knee-jerk reaction to showing a little tittie-slip. Or is it??
I'm sick of people telling me that Clear Channel fired Howard Stern. Get it through your skulls! Clear Channel dosen't employ Howard Stern! Howard was yanked off of 6 Clear Channel owned stations!! They don't want a repeat of the fines levied on them due to the slop that Bubba the Love Sponge was airing. Aparenty this backfired on then, because Friday they were fined $247,500 for allegations of indecency on the "Elliot in the Morning" show based in Washington, DC.
This kind of stuff has been going on for years. Howard's been on the air some 20 years, and he's been doing the same kind of toilet humor all along. Why is the FCC so interested in this all the sudden?? Is it due to it being an election year?? Or will the newest proposed rulemaking by the FCC not only include tougher penalties for indecency, but also provisions to stifle broadcasters speaking out against the government?? Is this just another underhanded attempt to chisel away more of our freedom of speech??
"The time has come for the commission to send a message that it is serious about enforcing the indecency laws of our country."- FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps.
And some people say that it's about protecting our children. Oh, please!! I don't understand why the government feels that they have to parent our children! There is such a thing as being an active parent and overseeing what your children watch. There is such a thing as an off button on any radio. If you know a program might discuss topics you don't want your children listening to, then don't listen to it. It's that simple!!!
I'm sick of people telling me that Clear Channel fired Howard Stern. Get it through your skulls! Clear Channel dosen't employ Howard Stern! Howard was yanked off of 6 Clear Channel owned stations!! They don't want a repeat of the fines levied on them due to the slop that Bubba the Love Sponge was airing. Aparenty this backfired on then, because Friday they were fined $247,500 for allegations of indecency on the "Elliot in the Morning" show based in Washington, DC.
This kind of stuff has been going on for years. Howard's been on the air some 20 years, and he's been doing the same kind of toilet humor all along. Why is the FCC so interested in this all the sudden?? Is it due to it being an election year?? Or will the newest proposed rulemaking by the FCC not only include tougher penalties for indecency, but also provisions to stifle broadcasters speaking out against the government?? Is this just another underhanded attempt to chisel away more of our freedom of speech??
"The time has come for the commission to send a message that it is serious about enforcing the indecency laws of our country."- FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps.
And some people say that it's about protecting our children. Oh, please!! I don't understand why the government feels that they have to parent our children! There is such a thing as being an active parent and overseeing what your children watch. There is such a thing as an off button on any radio. If you know a program might discuss topics you don't want your children listening to, then don't listen to it. It's that simple!!!
Code Monkey
I'm making yet more changes here. Not only have I re-organized the links list, I'm also working on adding a hit counter and comment posting abilities as well. So, if things appear to be acting funky, shoot me an email, ok???
The hit counter code is making the site load unacceptably slow, so I'm just putting in the comments and trackback for now...
The hit counter code is making the site load unacceptably slow, so I'm just putting in the comments and trackback for now...
Just to point out- I'm not a wrestling fan.....so don't even go there! I'm just mentioning this because I think it's kinda funny.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
I spent my Saturday morning at a seminar thrown by the Connecticut Broadcaster's Association. Today's topic was audio as it relates to radio and television. Pretty informative, I might add!! Not only did I get a chance to learn something, I got a chance to network with people in the broadcast industry (and hopefully get some contacts about jobs). I ran into a few people who I'd met during my years in the paging industry.
Oh, and free lunch, too!!!
I guess all in all it was worth it!
Oh, and free lunch, too!!!
I guess all in all it was worth it!
Thursday, March 11, 2004
For those who don't know what Baraka is all about, check out the website The Spirit of Baraka. It's got to be one of the coolest non-dialogue based movies that I've ever seen!!! The entire movie is told through fantastic photography, location sounds and a great soundtrack. If you ever get a chance to see it on the big screen at an atr house, do so, it's great in 70MM!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
So, I said the the girl behind the counter, "You've got to be kidding me!!!" And she points to a little placard sitting next to the CD with one of the Queer Eye guys picture on it, and says "He's our new spokesman." I wonder how this marketing is going to work for them. Do they really want to say "Pier 1 is gay??" I mean, I find the stuff there pretty cool....Does this label every straight guy who walks into a Pier 1 gay??
I'm a very open person, and I have many friends who are gay and lesbian, but I don't know about how mass media is marketing being Gay as suddenly cool. They are perpetuating stereotypes and I think it's way too much. You can live your life how you want to and that dosen't bother me at all...
Just in case you're wondering, you can check out the CD at the NBC Store.
Friday, March 05, 2004
Here's another great news source that I found in an article the Ben forwarded to the Blessed Beat list:
OneWorld.Net. Look for it in the links list soon!!
OneWorld.Net. Look for it in the links list soon!!
Here's a bizarre and strange link for you today:
The International Association of People who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink
The International Association of People who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink
Monday, March 01, 2004
It seems like only yesterday, but it was over a year ago since Craig and I made our trip down to NYC to protest the war. I was thinking about it today, after finding a picture of Myshele, me and Craig on the net. Here we are- a year later, troups still in Iraq, and nothing has really changed. Hopefully with the upcoming election, something will happen. We can only hope!!!!
Myshele, me and Craig protesting the war.
Myshele, me and Craig protesting the war.