One man's persuit of happiness. Life, Love, Music, Rhythm and the occasional road trip.
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Wow! Who would have thought that I could go an ENTIRE DAY without even powering up the PC at home? I didn't even really feel the motivation to turn it on last night. So of course, when I got home today I had like 60something new email messages. Of course 3/4 of them were from the Blessed Beat list, but new messages nonetheless.
Monday, October 27, 2003
And now....a look into the future:
Either my voice mail can see into the future, or there's some kinda bug with the time switch. When I retrieved my messages tonight, it told me that the message was left "tomorrow at 4:14". That must be a new service that SNET/SBC is offerring. I also noticed that the AM/PM designation of the time was incorrect yesterday. Looks like someone was asleep at THAT switch late Saturday night.......
Either my voice mail can see into the future, or there's some kinda bug with the time switch. When I retrieved my messages tonight, it told me that the message was left "tomorrow at 4:14". That must be a new service that SNET/SBC is offerring. I also noticed that the AM/PM designation of the time was incorrect yesterday. Looks like someone was asleep at THAT switch late Saturday night.......
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Mike and I stopped over to visit Dennis Waring today. In addition to being the author of several books, he's an ethnomusicologist, musician, and the official Connecticut State Troubadour. Anyway, Dennis has traveled the world, collecting musical instruments from all over the place. Going over there is like visiting a museum, but more comfortable. I'd love for Dennis to come over and decorate my place!!!
Dennis is part of the musical group Sirius Coyote, a group I was first introduced to when they were recording at Mike's Studio (now known as The Coffeehouse) in 1991. My daughter really loves listening to their stuff, so when I mentioned that to Dennis, he gave her a copy of their latest CD! Cool!
Dennis is part of the musical group Sirius Coyote, a group I was first introduced to when they were recording at Mike's Studio (now known as The Coffeehouse) in 1991. My daughter really loves listening to their stuff, so when I mentioned that to Dennis, he gave her a copy of their latest CD! Cool!
It's 10:00 err 11:00...oh, right it's really 10:00!! Did you remember to turn your clock back?? I just had a really serious brainstorm this morning....instead of screwing with the clocks TWICE a year, why don't we just comprimise, and change then a half hour ONCE and then leave them there. Kinda split the difference between daylight time and standard time? What do you think National Bureau of Standards??
Friday, October 24, 2003
Tonight, I took a trip to Madison to an event at Pete the Didg guy's place. His venture, Didgequest threw an event called Didgi-Dance. I had beeen expecting a little dancing around the fire, accompanied by some drumming and sounds of the didg. What I hadn't expected was the ammount of energy that was raised!!!
Pete had built a great bonfire in the center of the circle, and people had begun to gather around it in the crisp fall evening. The night was perfect weatherwise. A bit cool, but the sky was cloudless and starry. At one point I was looking towards the South, looking up at Mars, and lone shooting star streaked across the sky! Amazing!
I had a chance to sit by the perimeter of the circle and meditate a bit and get into the serious energy that was there. Though I was a bit cold, I could swear that I actually was in a state of semi-trance and could not feel the coldness of the night. There was so much energy there that I felt a little vibration from all of it.
Before we danced and moved under the stars, Two Dogs from the Mohegan tribe provided a blessing to the group in the traditional Mohegan tongue. He then proceeded to work around the group, smudging each of us (I just love the smell of sage!).
Most of the evening was some great dancing around the now raging bonfire, with the accompaniment of Pete on didg, John, Craig, Baba David Coleman and the other Pete on drums and percussion and Two Dogs on flute. They were throwing down a serious groove and I really wanted to break out the Doumbek and join them (Craig told me later that I should have), but I stayed with the dancers.
After the dancing, Two Dogs started off a Mohegan song that we had all been invited to join in on, and it became like a mini drum jam. So I got my fill of playing in as well. As I write this, I'm still feeling the energy that was raised tonight.
Pete had built a great bonfire in the center of the circle, and people had begun to gather around it in the crisp fall evening. The night was perfect weatherwise. A bit cool, but the sky was cloudless and starry. At one point I was looking towards the South, looking up at Mars, and lone shooting star streaked across the sky! Amazing!
I had a chance to sit by the perimeter of the circle and meditate a bit and get into the serious energy that was there. Though I was a bit cold, I could swear that I actually was in a state of semi-trance and could not feel the coldness of the night. There was so much energy there that I felt a little vibration from all of it.
Before we danced and moved under the stars, Two Dogs from the Mohegan tribe provided a blessing to the group in the traditional Mohegan tongue. He then proceeded to work around the group, smudging each of us (I just love the smell of sage!).
Most of the evening was some great dancing around the now raging bonfire, with the accompaniment of Pete on didg, John, Craig, Baba David Coleman and the other Pete on drums and percussion and Two Dogs on flute. They were throwing down a serious groove and I really wanted to break out the Doumbek and join them (Craig told me later that I should have), but I stayed with the dancers.
After the dancing, Two Dogs started off a Mohegan song that we had all been invited to join in on, and it became like a mini drum jam. So I got my fill of playing in as well. As I write this, I'm still feeling the energy that was raised tonight.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Well, last night Mike and I got together at the studio to go over the multitrack recordings of the band from last week. We listened to most of what we recorded Monday night, and man was it HOT! I think we'll have a tough time selecting only 1 CD full of stuff to mixdown...Peter at the Gatekeeper and the other guys in the band are gonna love it!
In other stuff, things have been pretty normal for the most is work and life is life....what can I say......
In the CD player recently:
Jack Johnson- On and On
Stevie Wonder- Original Musiquarium 1
Rolling Stones- Exile on Main St.
Peter Gabriel- Passion
In other stuff, things have been pretty normal for the most is work and life is life....what can I say......
In the CD player recently:
Jack Johnson- On and On
Stevie Wonder- Original Musiquarium 1
Rolling Stones- Exile on Main St.
Peter Gabriel- Passion
Sunday, October 19, 2003
I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures that were taken over the summer. Delilah and I went to the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport back in August. Here's a picture of us riding on the carousel.

Friday, October 17, 2003
Delilah went to a "playtivity" function thrown by Craig and Virginia tonight. They made percussion instruments out of ordinary household items (gee, you think??). The parents werent allowed to join the group till 8PM, so John and Darcy Boiano and me went to Wild Oats for them to do some shopping, and me to kill some time.
Well, I did do a little shopping, I picked up some Dr. Bronner's Soap (man, I still love that stuff...after all these years) and the ever so elusive bottle of Skin Trip (EMS Stopped carrying it, I think...)
When we got back to the house, Delilah and the girls were having a great time, and then the parents all joined and did some activities together. We did a little rythym oriented stuff and did what ammounted to a mini-drum circle at the end. So, all in all, it was a cool night for both Delilah and myself.
Well, I did do a little shopping, I picked up some Dr. Bronner's Soap (man, I still love that stuff...after all these years) and the ever so elusive bottle of Skin Trip (EMS Stopped carrying it, I think...)
When we got back to the house, Delilah and the girls were having a great time, and then the parents all joined and did some activities together. We did a little rythym oriented stuff and did what ammounted to a mini-drum circle at the end. So, all in all, it was a cool night for both Delilah and myself.
I was informed by my boss today that the decision by corporate has been made- 2 people from our shop will be getting the axe by the end of the year. Now, we only have 5 people in our shop, so the odds are a little disturbing to me. I think that I do a good job, and am dependable, but who knows what criteria that they will use to get rid of people. This comes on the tails of me finding that I got a raise last week- ironic, eh??
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Tonight, I'm just kinda hanging out at home....relaxing for a change. Monday and Tuesday were very long days, as we did the CU Next Tuesday recording sessions. And I had to work early Tuesday morning after Monday night's performance. I was beat!
So, tonight was the first night that I was able to just hang and relax. And guess what? Having nothing to do tonight actually got me bummed out. Sometimes I just feel so sick of being alone, and then I get to thinking about the string of fucked up relationships that I had and actually dread of having to deal with that again.
So, what am I to do?? I kinda feel like I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. I mean I hate feeling lonley, but it seems everytime I feel I get close to someone that I feel comfortable with, things come to an abrubt halt. So here I am....
Let's reprise this:
In the CD Player today:
Three Doors Down
Tor Dietchricson- Global Village
Diana Krall- When I look into Your Eyes
The Beatles- 1
Rythym of Our Souls Mix (thanks Craig!)
Sunday Morning Coffee Mix (thanks Me!)
So, tonight was the first night that I was able to just hang and relax. And guess what? Having nothing to do tonight actually got me bummed out. Sometimes I just feel so sick of being alone, and then I get to thinking about the string of fucked up relationships that I had and actually dread of having to deal with that again.
So, what am I to do?? I kinda feel like I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. I mean I hate feeling lonley, but it seems everytime I feel I get close to someone that I feel comfortable with, things come to an abrubt halt. So here I am....
Let's reprise this:
In the CD Player today:
Three Doors Down
Tor Dietchricson- Global Village
Diana Krall- When I look into Your Eyes
The Beatles- 1
Rythym of Our Souls Mix (thanks Craig!)
Sunday Morning Coffee Mix (thanks Me!)
I actually flipped by MTV on the tube tonight and saw them playing videos! Not bad, considering they are supposed to be Music Television. Remember when they actually played videos all day long, and not the stupid, repetitive reality-type shows with all the cute young girlies showing cleavage?
Ok, ok, soapbox mode off. And I'm not complaining about the cleavage either!
Ok, ok, soapbox mode off. And I'm not complaining about the cleavage either!
Monday, October 13, 2003
Tonight's the night! The first of 2 nights of recording CU Next Tuesday at the Gatekeeper. Tonight I get to play yet another role with the band...I get to be the recording engineer! Just add it to my resume :)
Unfortunately, I have to work early tomorrow morning, and it's gonna be killer to record yet again tomorrow night. I have a feeling that when I pick up Delilah on Wednesday night, that I'll be probably going to bed at the same time as her, I'll be so drained!
Unfortunately, I have to work early tomorrow morning, and it's gonna be killer to record yet again tomorrow night. I have a feeling that when I pick up Delilah on Wednesday night, that I'll be probably going to bed at the same time as her, I'll be so drained!
Sunday, October 12, 2003
Had a great time Saturday night! The Naugatuck crew threw a Hayride and Bonfire/Drum Circle at Schrieber's Farm! The weather was perfect for a October evening and it all happened under a nearly full moon. Roger and Brian built a huge bonfire, and after we got back from the hayride, we played around it for the rest of the evening.
The drumming energy wasn't quite as intense as it had been the last couple of times art Brian's house, but it was a great time, and I always enjoy playing along with Pat, Steve and Mike. Some of the usual drummers weren't all that active (I don't think I saw Roger play all night) but we were all having a great time.
The drumming energy wasn't quite as intense as it had been the last couple of times art Brian's house, but it was a great time, and I always enjoy playing along with Pat, Steve and Mike. Some of the usual drummers weren't all that active (I don't think I saw Roger play all night) but we were all having a great time.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
I found an interesting weblog (thanks to The Daily Column) today. It's the weblog of Geoff Fox, who is the weatherman at Channel 8 in New Haven, CT. He's got some pretty cool stuff on there.
What gives? Dunkin' Donuts has the nerve to start selling espresso and cappuchino? Trust me, If I wanted a "finer" coffee drink, Dunkin is the last place that I'd go. And those of you who know me know that I love Dunkin Donuts coffee. I hope they don't do to my favorite coffee places that they did to my favorite bagel places when they started selling bagels....
So, go to your favorite locally-owned ocffee shop (I prefer Klekolo World Coffee in Middletown). They allready have enough competition from Starbucks (who I frequent sometimes as well!)
So, go to your favorite locally-owned ocffee shop (I prefer Klekolo World Coffee in Middletown). They allready have enough competition from Starbucks (who I frequent sometimes as well!)
Monday, October 06, 2003
The Pictures are in!!! The pictures from the CU Next Tuesday gig on Labor Day are back. Above, you see just a peek at what I've got! Pictured in front of The Gatekeeper -left to right- Colin, John, Mike, Matt, and Bryan. They're doing a live recording next Monday, and hopefully some of the pictures will be in the artwork for the CD (there will be a CD, right guys??)
So, I guess I'm the "Jack of all Trades" to the band....Roadie, Sound Tech, Crowd Control, Photographer, Percussionist, and occasionally, a Singer!
Saturday, October 04, 2003
When in the center, I also stopped in Ten Thousand Villages (yes, AGAIN) and bought another piece of percussion. Ok, Ok I know that I'm a percussion addict.....I also picked up Delilah a cool windchime for her room...and got one for Emmy's new room as well (like any good unofficial Uncle would do!).
Del and I were planning on heading down to Naugatuck tonight, but she started getting a bit tired and cranky, and we had a pretty busy day, so we headed home and called it a night. So here, I :)
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Miles Played the Blues
A quote from the PBS "The Blues" episode I watched tonight, said by someone comapring Miles Davis and Muddy Waters. Seems like a cool album title for someone......
I had a relatively good day today. Much better than yesterday. Delilah was over last night, so we had the morning ritual. She's been alot better about waking up for school now. What a little cutie :)
Mike and I hung out tonight, watching a little tube, old tapes, records, you name it. He actually had a daytime session today, so he called after he was was good hanging out with him...."What Happened???"