A while ago, Tom asked me if I knew anything that I could do to help him and his situation. His condo had been broken into, presumably by an upsatirs neighbor, a couple of times this spring. He'd also been having trouble with that particualr neighbor (noise complaints, littering etc..) in the past. He had asked me about a spiritual cleansing of his living space. He wanted to disperse the negative energy that had accumulated there.
Now, I did some research online, and came up with several alternatives for this, most drown from Native American rituals. Tom wasn't too keen about me doing a Wiccan ritual at his place, so we decided on just smudging and chanting a bit. We will see if it worked for him, I got a real positive feeling from it last night.
One man's persuit of happiness. Life, Love, Music, Rhythm and the occasional road trip.
Friday, August 29, 2003
I think this may be the latest that I've ever blogged!
Tonight, I finally did it.....I actually got a hold of a turntable! (Thanks Tom!). I got home and immediately set it up, I mean my records had been moved from storage way back in like June or July, and all I've been able to do until tonight was look at the artwork.
It was like a transport back into time, just the sound of the old record crackle, and the needle drop were just awesome. And some of the music that I havent been able to listen to, or haven't heard for years. It's been since 1999 that my record collection was available in one place, with something to listen to it on.
I started pulling out vinyl that I hadn't heard in a while, and got on the phone with Mike, one of the people I know in Middletown with an enormously huge vinyl collection. I convinced him to come on over for a vintage vinyl listening experince :) Mind you, this was almost 11:30 PM! I'm glad that my neighbors weren't home!

Now, for the real kicker....I pulled out a vinyl copy of "Dark Side of the Moon", I've always had the CD version, I acquired an old vinyl copy a couple of years ago, and have not played it until tonight. This definately takes me back to around 1976 or so.....the day that I discovered stereophonic sound....
"Now, Let's go back in time a little....."
I was about 9 or so, and my neighbor Eric from across the street comes over- "Paul, you've got to hear this...." So Eric and I go into his house and sneak into his brother's room (strictly off limits, I tell you) and he pulls out this record. The cover is all black, except for this prism and rainbow on the front gatefold.
Now, until this time, about all I've been subjected to is the AM Radio of the day (remember top 40 radio?), and have never even heard of this group that I found out was called Pink Floyd. So he puts the record on side 2, turns up the amp a little and puts the needle down at the beginning. As the stereophonic cash registers start up, I'm just sitting there in complete astonishment.
Eric's pointing at the speakers as the sound alternates from one to the other. "You hear that?" I heard it all right, music was never the same after that day for me.
On the turntable today:
King Crimson- The Young Person's guide to King Crimson
Elton John- Captian Fantastic
801- Listen Now
Joe Jackson- Night and Day
David Bowie- Station to Station
Pink Floyd- Dark side of the Moon
Tonight, I finally did it.....I actually got a hold of a turntable! (Thanks Tom!). I got home and immediately set it up, I mean my records had been moved from storage way back in like June or July, and all I've been able to do until tonight was look at the artwork.
It was like a transport back into time, just the sound of the old record crackle, and the needle drop were just awesome. And some of the music that I havent been able to listen to, or haven't heard for years. It's been since 1999 that my record collection was available in one place, with something to listen to it on.
I started pulling out vinyl that I hadn't heard in a while, and got on the phone with Mike, one of the people I know in Middletown with an enormously huge vinyl collection. I convinced him to come on over for a vintage vinyl listening experince :) Mind you, this was almost 11:30 PM! I'm glad that my neighbors weren't home!
Now, for the real kicker....I pulled out a vinyl copy of "Dark Side of the Moon", I've always had the CD version, I acquired an old vinyl copy a couple of years ago, and have not played it until tonight. This definately takes me back to around 1976 or so.....the day that I discovered stereophonic sound....
"Now, Let's go back in time a little....."
I was about 9 or so, and my neighbor Eric from across the street comes over- "Paul, you've got to hear this...." So Eric and I go into his house and sneak into his brother's room (strictly off limits, I tell you) and he pulls out this record. The cover is all black, except for this prism and rainbow on the front gatefold.
Now, until this time, about all I've been subjected to is the AM Radio of the day (remember top 40 radio?), and have never even heard of this group that I found out was called Pink Floyd. So he puts the record on side 2, turns up the amp a little and puts the needle down at the beginning. As the stereophonic cash registers start up, I'm just sitting there in complete astonishment.
Eric's pointing at the speakers as the sound alternates from one to the other. "You hear that?" I heard it all right, music was never the same after that day for me.
On the turntable today:
King Crimson- The Young Person's guide to King Crimson
Elton John- Captian Fantastic
801- Listen Now
Joe Jackson- Night and Day
David Bowie- Station to Station
Pink Floyd- Dark side of the Moon
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
It's a beautiful day, and yet, here I sit....in front of the freaking computer. I gotta get myself outside.....I think I'll visit a couple of my favorite Middletown places today, and swing by Klekolo World Coffee and Knight People...I try to support the local businesses as much as possible. I went to Mamoun's last night for dinner too...man, I love that place. I think I gotta put a "Local Spots" links list on the side of the page..Good idea!
Well, it's off to enjoy the day....have a great one, won't ya!
Be Well,
Well, it's off to enjoy the day....have a great one, won't ya!
Be Well,
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
I've had the opportunity to spend a little more time than usual with Deiliah this week, as I'm on vacation. This is Del's last week of summer before she goes to Kindergarten. Yes, that's right.....Kindergarten..the first step of my little angel growing up! Anyways, she starts school on Thursday, and I'm spending the first couple of days of the week with her.

Sunday, we went to Drums Around the World in Norwalk. Drums is a yearly worldwide drumming event. This year we drummed together in 20something states and many countries worldwide. Delilah had a great time, as did I. She and Sarah had their picture taken for the paper, I don't know which paper, or if the picture that was taken even ran. The photographer was going to send me a copy of the picture, when I get it, I'll post it. Darcy also said she had some pics of Delilah that she'll email me, as well as Steve (Storm) and Darlene from Blessed Beat.
Yesterday, I introduced Delilah to a new friend, Christina, who is a daughter of one of my friends. We went to the beach at Branford Point along with several other Moms and daughters (funny, I was the ONLY guy there!) After the beach, we had a cookout and the kids played some more. Delilah had a great time.....
Sunday, we went to Drums Around the World in Norwalk. Drums is a yearly worldwide drumming event. This year we drummed together in 20something states and many countries worldwide. Delilah had a great time, as did I. She and Sarah had their picture taken for the paper, I don't know which paper, or if the picture that was taken even ran. The photographer was going to send me a copy of the picture, when I get it, I'll post it. Darcy also said she had some pics of Delilah that she'll email me, as well as Steve (Storm) and Darlene from Blessed Beat.
Yesterday, I introduced Delilah to a new friend, Christina, who is a daughter of one of my friends. We went to the beach at Branford Point along with several other Moms and daughters (funny, I was the ONLY guy there!) After the beach, we had a cookout and the kids played some more. Delilah had a great time.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
I'm still feeling in a sort of funk. I had to cancel my camping trip for next week. Found out that the week with Delilah was gonna be short, cause her first day of kindergarten is Thursday, so we would have had to cut the trip by Wed at the latest.
So, at least I have the day off to see her on her first day of school! I'll snap a couple of pics and post em :) But the rest of the week is me, just doing me stuff. Maybe it will get me out of this mood I've been in. Or give me an opportunity to drink more!!! HaHa
Anyways, I'm sure it will improve. I just gotta give it time :)
So, at least I have the day off to see her on her first day of school! I'll snap a couple of pics and post em :) But the rest of the week is me, just doing me stuff. Maybe it will get me out of this mood I've been in. Or give me an opportunity to drink more!!! HaHa
Anyways, I'm sure it will improve. I just gotta give it time :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Monday, August 18, 2003
It sucked going back to work today. Really. I had taken Friday off because Kim was going to be coming down Thursday night, but she didnt come down till Friday because the power surges of Thursday afternoon took the radio station out, and I ended up being there for most of the evening.
Friday afternoon and Saturday Kim and I spent some time just doing some tag sailing and getting lunch at a little place down in Higganum before going and checking out the boats at the marina on the River. I was hoping that she'd go to the birthday bash with me, but she decided to go home and I went over to Naugatuck myself later that evening.
I tell you, I've got some CRAZY friends (yes, you know who you are...no, NOT you!!). Saturday night was insane at some parts, and I've been told that Saturday was pretty subdued. But I had a great time, I got to spend the evening among friends, and it just rocked!
Michelle and Roger gave me the most absolutely coolest gift, thanks guys!. To tell you the truth it caught me totally off guard! You guys rock!!! Thanks for making my birthday extra special this year!
Sunday I spent the day with my bud Mike, and we visited a musician friend of his, and I got to plunk on a Bass for a while. Cool! Now I really want to learn to play that instrument! After that we took a trip down to the shore and went to the Clam Castle (yes, that's the name of the place) on Rt. 1.
I had a great day, but later that night, I was feeling a little down, and I had a hell of a time getting to sleep last night. Well, I've gotta finish watching American Chopper (yes, I do watch that show) and finish up the day.
P.S. Whatever you do....DON'T lock the bathroom door!!! :)
Friday afternoon and Saturday Kim and I spent some time just doing some tag sailing and getting lunch at a little place down in Higganum before going and checking out the boats at the marina on the River. I was hoping that she'd go to the birthday bash with me, but she decided to go home and I went over to Naugatuck myself later that evening.
I tell you, I've got some CRAZY friends (yes, you know who you are...no, NOT you!!). Saturday night was insane at some parts, and I've been told that Saturday was pretty subdued. But I had a great time, I got to spend the evening among friends, and it just rocked!
Michelle and Roger gave me the most absolutely coolest gift, thanks guys!. To tell you the truth it caught me totally off guard! You guys rock!!! Thanks for making my birthday extra special this year!
Sunday I spent the day with my bud Mike, and we visited a musician friend of his, and I got to plunk on a Bass for a while. Cool! Now I really want to learn to play that instrument! After that we took a trip down to the shore and went to the Clam Castle (yes, that's the name of the place) on Rt. 1.
I had a great day, but later that night, I was feeling a little down, and I had a hell of a time getting to sleep last night. Well, I've gotta finish watching American Chopper (yes, I do watch that show) and finish up the day.
P.S. Whatever you do....DON'T lock the bathroom door!!! :)
Friday, August 08, 2003
Paul's Post-Birthday Rant
Seems that this year's birthday was even more downplayed than ever! Even my own parent's forgot my birthday! Oh well, I've been saying that I didn't want to make a big deal about it, though I did make sure that I was included in the monthly birthday bash that's being thrown next weekend :) Now that should be FUN!
For those of you who did remember my birthday, a big THANKS go out to you! You know who you are (as Peter Gabriel Plays Live goes on in the background!)
Well, I've been feeling rather happy lately, just trying to keep things in my life chugging along! I've been just content spending time doing the things that I want to do, and not worrying about whether there's someone else in my life right now. Everyone keeps saying that I should be happy with myself, and then the rest of the things in my life will come together as well.
I kind of feel like I did when I first started this blog, I'm just concentrating on being morew in touch with me, and my surroundings and the greater forces that surround us. There, is that deep enough for us all?? LOL.
Another year goes by, and I am taking a little time to think about the things I've learned this year......WOW! what a trip this has been. It took me 36 freaking years to come to some of the simplest conclusions about how I live my life, and that I kept making the same mistakes again and again. But I really do feel enlightened, and that's all good!
So, here's to another year!
-be well,